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Spanish Corner

1. Do you get headaches?

Le da dolores de cabeza?

Leh dah doh-loh-rehs deh kah-beh-sah?

2. Show me in what part of your head.

Muestreme en que parte de la cabeza.

Moo-estreh-meh ehn keh parteh deh lah kah-beh-sah.

3. Do you get pain in your eyes?

Tiene dolor en los ojos?

Tee-eh-neh dohlor ehn lohs oh-hos?

4. Since when did it begin?

Hace cuanto tiempo que empezó?

Ah-seh kwantoh tee-empoh geh em-peh-soh?

5. Has it become worse?

Se ha puesto peor?

Seh ah poo-ehs-toh peh-ohr?

Hopefully these phrases come in handy and don't be afraid to use them in the exam room. Your spanish-speaking patients will certainly appreciate it.

Anne Lee OD


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Behavioral family practice with a history of vision therapy. 


Dr. Mischenko plans on reducing office time and have the following opportunity:


I wish to continue practicing 2-3 days/week while turning over the administration in the near future and then the ownership of the practice(and building if so desired). 

In the beginning, the entering doctor would need to build/bring their own practice, gradually merging their practice with mine. Dr. Hendrickson's practice philosophy of service over product must continue.


Please email  Dr. Mischenko at


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